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Think you can spell? Take the test that’s stumping the ‘net

It seems like a simple spelling test – but you’ll be surprised how hard some are finding this.

The internet is test crazy right now. You can do online challenges to test if you’re OCD, if you have a photographic memory or if you can break codes. But it’s this super simple spelling test that’s got everyone excited.

So many people are convinced they are great spellers. But sometimes it’s the simple words the track us every time. And the English language loves to set rules and then throw in words that totally break them.

This PlayBuzz quiz aims to test your obsession with correct spelling by asking you to select the correct answers to 14 commonly misspelled words.

Seem easy enough? Why not give it a go and see if you are obsessed because according to the quiz creator Brian Tracey, the score must be perfect. “ Only people with spelling obsessions can do this right.”

It even makes it easy for you by giving you three options to choose from – obviously one is correct and the two others are not.

Here’s the test for you to try. Or go to this link.


Tell us how you’ve fared.

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