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Sonia Kruger’s dad reveals: I owe my life to Sonia!

Sonia Kruger's dad reveals: I owe my life to Sonia!

The Dancing With The Stars host’s dad dodged a bullet thanks to her intervention, writes Katherine Chatfield..

Just a few weeks ago Sonia Kruger didn’t know if her father, Adrian, would see out the year. Without surgery to replace a new valve in his heart, he wasn’t expected to live past Christmas, but his heart wasn’t strong enough for him to undergo the operation.

“It was a real worry that we were going to lose him any second,” says the Dancing With The Stars co-host. “He couldn’t walk more than a few steps without feeling breathless. “He deteriorated rapidly in the past few months. It was a matter of life or death for him to have that valve replaced.”

For Adrian, the thought he might not see his five grandchildren, the youngest of whom is just 18 months, grow up was devastating. The 76-year-old has suffered from heart problems for the past two years. After he was rushed to hospital with severe pneumonia, doctors discovered he had a blocked artery and a worn-out heart valve. They told his shocked family he didn’t have long to live.

“The doctor told us we needed to get his affairs in order,” says Sonia. “We had to call the solicitor in to update his will. He’s always been the life and soul of the party and all of a sudden we thought we were going to lose him. It was such a shock.”

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