Just a week after finding herself the subject of national headlines after saying Australia should close its borders to Muslim people, Sonia Kruger has found herself in hot water again.
The host of TODAY Extra this morning said scholarships targeted towards students from the LGBTQI community were an example of ‘reverse discrimination’.
“I don’t think it should have anything to do with the awarding of a scholarship,” Kruger said. “I thinks scholarships should be given on merit.”
The scholarship in question is provided by the Australian Business and Community Network Scholarship Foundation (ABCN) and awards a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex identifying Year 10 student with financial assistance of up to $7000 during their studies, The Australian newspaper reported today.

The national policy officer of Family Voice Australia has argued the scholarship is yet “another example of ideological activism making its way into schools”.
“Why should children, especially in a school setting, be asked to declare their sexuality or gender identity? Many 15-year-olds are still working through issues around sexuality,” Mr Wyld told The Australian.
“Offering a financial incentive to identify as ‘lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and/or intersex’ is completely inappropriate.”
Many on social media have already called Kruger out for her conservative stance.
Kruger’s co-host David Campbell disagreed with Kruger’s perspective, saying scholarships were designed to address inequality and target minority groups.
The scholarships were “hardly a big deal,” Campbell said, particularly as so many alternative funds reward merit.
“There are tonnes of other scholarships that are set aside for kids who are supremely talented.”
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