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Sonia Kruger: How I look great at 43

By Phillip Koch

Pictures: David Hahn

The star of a new show that wipes away the years reveals how she manages to stay looking so young…

With glowing skin and the lean body of a dancer after spending much of her life in a ballroom, Channel Seven star Sonia Kruger is used to being thought of as far younger than her age.

“I like everyone knowing my age because a lot of people tell me I don’t look 43,” she smiles.

Sonia laughs when asked if it all comes naturally to her. “It is all staples and sticky tape,” she jokes of her beauty regimen, before admitting that these days it takes hard work to look her best when she starts her day at 4am, co-hosting breakfast radio with her friend Todd McKenney on Sydney’s MIX 106.5.

Sonia also happily admits to having microdermabrasion, Botox, laser skin treatment and her teeth straightened and whitened.

“A lot of these cosmetic treatments are like having your hair coloured or your legs waxed,” she says matter-of-factly.

Sonia says even face lifts have come a long way. “They’re very subtle today and I think that’s what some people are after. People are time-poor so they are seeking out the ‘lunchtime lift’. They want to look refreshed, but they still want to look like themselves.”

And what about going under the knife herself? Would she consider it? “Look, I think it’s great that these amazing options are out there, but for me I’m happy with where I am at the moment. But ask me again when I’m 60!”

At the base of her routine, though, is a healthy diet. “When you eat nutritious food as opposed to junk food, your hair, skin and eyes look so much better.”

10 Years Younger In 10 Days premieres on April 21 at 9.30pm on Channel Seven.

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