Nick, 39, filed a lawsuit to prevent the destruction of two cryopreserved female embryos, according to court documents obtained by In Touch Weekly.
The documents, which were filed under the pseudonyms of John and Jane Doe, states that Nick “seeks to ensure that the Female Embryos are not destroyed, but Jane Doe [Sofia] refuses to agree to their preservation under all circumstances.”
In 2013, Nick and Sofia went through several rounds of IVF in an attempt to conceive a child and the two embryos that he is seeking to preserve are made up of Sofia’s eggs, fertilised with his sperm.
The court documents go on to explain: “John seeks to save from destruction two cryopreserved Female Embryos created using John’s sperm and Jane’s ovaries for the purposes of attempting to have children. However, before the Female Embryos could be implanted in a surrogate, the Parties ended their relationship.”
The documents add that Jane [Sofia]: “Hoped for the Female Embryos to ultimately be destroyed” but that “John [Nick]does not desire for the Female Embryos to be destroyed.”

Sofia meanwhile has well and truly moved on as she’s engaged to Magic Mike star Joe Manganiello.
Nick is reportedly so determined to have a child that he will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
“Nick has always wanted to be a father and will do whatever it takes to save these two remaining female embryos,” an insider told In Touch.
“Nick is very emotionally invested in these female embryos because he’s pro-life and believes life begins at conception.”
The court documents also claim that the issue had been a source of contention for the couple when they were together and that on one occasion upon visiting the fertility clinic together, the pair got into a heated argument about what would happen to the embryos in the event of their death.
“Jane insisted that in such a circumstance, the Female Embryos be thawed with no further action,” the files read. “John did not agree with Jane and refused to initial his agreement regarding that term.”
“Jane insisted that John agree to the destruction of the Female Embryos under that circumstance, and began vigorously berating him in the offices.”
The papers also claim that Sofia has a history of physical and emotionally abusing Nick, and allege that that is the reason he signed to the documents.
“John Doe signed this portion of the Former Directive, even though he did not agree with it, in order to avoid further abuse.”
Meanwhile brunette bombshell Sofia, 42, has well and truly moved on and is engaged to wed Magic Mike star Joe Manganiello, although it is making for quite the sticky situation while she is still embroiled with her ex!