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Singer Phil’s a natural dad

The Human Nature star is thrilled with his beautiful baby girl.

Like any brand new dad, Human Nature’s Phil Burton is singing the praises of his precious baby daughter Willow. “She’s pretty cute, isn’t she? So tiny. She’s perfect.”

For Phil, like the band’s song, Life Just Gets Better with fatherhood. And his joy is even more acute, knowing how close he came to losing her in a last-minute medical emergency.

Following a “perfect pregnancy”, his wife Justine developed life-threatening pre-eclampsia a month before Willow was due. With her blood pressure soaring and fluid building up in her body, worried doctors at Sydney’s Mater Hospital were forced to induce labour prematurely.

Justine was eventually wheeled into the operating theatre for an emergency caesarean 29 long and painful hours later, Phil by her side.

So it was an emotional moment when wee Willow Arabella Burton arrived safely at 9.01pm on July 30 — three-and-a-half weeks early, weighing 2.524kg and only 46cm long…

See this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 29, 2008) for our full interview with Phil and the gorgeous photos of little Willow.

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