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Simone Callahan snaps: ‘Hands off my kids Liz’

World Exclusive: Simone snaps: 'Hands off my kids Liz'

It took 18 months for them to meet and make their peace, but, in a world exclusive, Shane Warne’s ex-wife, Simone, still finds it hurtful to have Liz Hurley playing mum to her three children.

The first time Shane Warne’s ex-wife, Simone Callahan, went to meet Liz Hurley, the British starlet was indisposed, taking a bath at the palatial Melbourne home she now shares with him. “That was Christmas Day,” confirms Simone, joking – with her tongue firmly in her cheek – that she and her new partner Toby Roberts “could’ve gone in and said hi, but no, we didn’t meet her”.

Their second near-miss happened just a couple of weeks ago when Shane and Liz made an “awkward” visit to nine-year-old daughter Summer’s school, catching students and their parents by surprise. “Shane and Liz turned up – along with a swag of photographers – but we didn’t speak at the assembly,” she says.

The meeting that all of Australia has been waiting for happened just a few hours later when Simone was watching 13-year-old son Jackson play junior AFL for his school team. “I was sitting down, cheering him on, when Shane and Liz came up and sat next to me,” she says.

Read more of our exclusive interview with Simmone in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday May 14, 2012.

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