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Shock reports: Ange pregnant again!

Hollywood is stunned by claims that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are having their seventh baby.

Angelina Jolie is set to welcome her seventh child, according to a shock US report. Insiders have told top-selling American magazine Star — which broke the news of her last two pregnancies and the fact she was carrying twins Knox and Vivienne — that the 33-year-old actress is pregnant with her fourth biological child.

“Yes, Angie’s pregnant,” a family insider told the magazine last week. “They’ve been trying to have another baby for months, but it was still a total shock when she found out. Brad and Ange have been fighting so much lately, it just didn’t seem possible.”

While Brad and Ange had not officially commented on the reports at the time Woman’s Day went to press, sources close to the actress insist that she is about two-and-a-half months along, and is thrilled by the baby news.

“She said she knew she was pregnant before the test confirmed it.”

While the couple had been on the verge of splitting after several weeks of bitter arguments, insiders say the baby news has brought them back from the brink.

The two were barely speaking when Brad flew from New York to New Orleans to oversee his Hurricane Katrina rebuilding project in late March. And while Angelina knew that she was expecting before he left town, she waited until he got back to tell him.

“Ange met him by the front door, looking gorgeous, and told him she was having a baby,” the insider revealed. “Brad was shocked at first — I mean he was just stunned. He literally swept Angelina off her feet and carried her into the house. He was laughing and crying and kissing her. It was very emotional for them both.”

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