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Sink your teeth into everything that went down at the Buffy The Vampire Slayer reunion

Ever wondered what really went down behind the scenes of Buffy? Or whether a reunion is really in the pipeline? this!
The cast of Buffy.getty

If you had dreams of Buffy The Vampire Slayer coming back for round-two, you can forget it – there’s no chance of a reunion series, says the show’s star Sarah Michelle Gellar, on the 20th anniversary of Buffy’s premiere.

“At a certain point, when things are magical, you don’t want to go back and Godfather III it – right?” she explains to EW. “I’m sure the fans are incredibly disappointed to hear that answer, but I think they’d be more disappointed if we created something and it didn’t live up to the expectation because the expectation is so incredibly high.”

So as you Buffy fans lick your wounds, we suggest you scroll down for some seriously juicy behind the scenes secrets from THE original vampire TV show. Enjoy!

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While playing the title role on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Sarah kicked some serious butt on-screen – and, according to her colleagues, she was no pushover off-screen, either!

“She looked at every actress as competition,” series stunt coordinator Jeff Pruitt tellsOK!, while executive producer and showrunner David Greenwalt raves the now 40-year-old “was 
a born pro”.

‘It was like driving 
a top-of-the-line Ferrari to 
direct her.’ But she knew it, Jeff remembers. ‘She told me the show only existed because she was 
a movie star,’ he explains.

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However, make-up artist Todd McIntosh tells OK! how Sarah took Michelle Trachtenberg, now 31, under her wing when she arrived to play Buffy’s younger sister Dawn in season five.

“Michelle was very young when she started the show,” says Todd. “Sarah tried to coach her.”

Sarah’s maternal side would have been especially helpful to Michelle, because filming the seven-season drama was gruelling, with shoots sometimes stretching for 24 hours and through Saturdays. ‘We jokingly called it “Buffy the Weekend Slayer,”’ Todd laughs.

To make the long hours a little easier to handle, there was of course some eye candy on set! Everyone was charmed 
by David Boreanaz, now 47.

“He walked in and we said, ‘That’s Angel!'” David recalls, describing how the infatuation continued once the cameras 
were rolling. On days that 
David shot semi-nude scenes, 
”It seemed like a lot of people showed up that didn’t have to be there,” he shares. “He wasn’t shy!”

For more Buffy The Vampire Slayer behind the scenes goss, grab your copy of OK! on sale now!

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