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Sandra fights rumors: “I’m not scared of you Jesse!”

Sandra fights rumors: "i'm not scared of you Jesse!"

Investigative journalist Ian Halperin writes exclusively for Woman’s Day about Sandra Bullock’s private hell…and the growing fears for her safety.

Life has not been particularly kind to Sandra Bullock since winning the world’s most coveted trophy – the Oscar – but the realisation that her biker husband Jesse James was cheating on her was only the beginning.

Now Sandra is bravely facing the fear that her looming divorce may threaten her safety, and growing reports that Jesse has a degrading sex tape of her that may have been filmed without her knowledge. She has beefed up her security and is making sure her estranged husband is kept permanently at bay.

“Sandra is filing a restraining order with the divorce papers,” one source told a US magazine. “That way she knows that Jesse will not get near her.

“If he tries, she can get him arrested, which she would not hesitate to do.”

“Wouldn’t you be afraid if you were going through a crisis with Jesse James and he was on the loose?” the source asked. “He does not have the most predictable personality. Sandra is worried for her safety. Frankly, I can’t blame her.”

Most people close to the couple agree Sandra has been slow to file divorce papers because she is wary of how Jesse will react. There are stories of nasty phone calls and turbulent times between the couple over the past six months.

“Trouble has been brewing for a while,” one source said. “I once heard Jesse cussing Sandra over the phone because she told him she would not be present for some dinner he wanted her to attend.

“He totally lost it. I’ve never seen anyone get so upset. No wonder Sandra is taking her time, she needs to beef up her security team to make sure Jesse never gets within arm’s reach of her again.

For the story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale April 12, 2010.

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