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Sam Wood’s on the chopping block following latest comments

Sam Wood should be basking in the glory of being a new home owner but unfortunately he is on damage control after making a controversial statement.
Sam Wood and Snezana

Just a week after his future wife was under fire for an inappropriate photo involving her daughter, the former Bachelor star has been forced to publicly apologie for using the word “gay” to describe a smoothie recipe.

The 35-year-old had to explain how the comment, “When Snez isn’t in Melbourne with me, I like to make her favourite smoothie to remind me of her. You can call me gay if you want, but I’ll go with cute,” made it onto his fan page.

Many were quick to slam the fitness pro for using the word in a negative context and labelled him as outdated.

“I don’t understand the connection between gay and smoothies?,” one user said.

While another expressed their dismay, “I hate that the word ‘gay’ is used in such a negative way and used as a put down. Get with the times people!”

The smoothie that created a whole lot of tension for the Bachie babe.

Quick to make amends about his post, Sam apologised on his page stating he had not “approved” the comment before it was posted and explains the words had been written by a member of his media team.

“I am deeply sorry for any offence caused,” the fitness guru said in a Facebook post that went out at 10:24pm last night.

“Earlier today I scheduled a post about Snez’s smoothie. Unfortunately this post was added to before going out with a very offensive comment.”

“This is a comment that was not approved by me and I certainly would never make [it].”

“As soon as I saw the post go live, I noticed the inappropriate comment and made sure it was removed straight away, which it was.”

He concluded, “I am so embarrassed and deeply sorry for any offence caused and assure you all that this person is clearly out of touch with my views and the positive messaging I’m about.”

“All appropriate steps have been taken to ensure this will not happen again.”

Fans of the trainer were happy to accept his apology with one quipping, “Thank you Sam, I didn’t lose too much sleep over it!#standbySam.”

Another added: “This is what I call a sincere and smart apology !! Xxx always like ya Sam.”

People may have thought Sam’s head was in the sand with his recent comments, but his apology was well received.

Some fans did ask how much involvement he had with his own page, to which he responded, “Hey guys, I manage my own Facebook but with my new fitness app there is a team that helps with any food or training related posts.”

“Thank you all for your kind words and support.”

Despite the controversy, it’s been an exciting few weeks for the Woodshed trainer.

In December, Sam popped the question during a visit to his home town in Tasmania.

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