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Sam comes out fighting for Lara

Sam comes out fighting for Lara

Avatar actor Sam Worthington has been arrested by police officers in New York after attacking a paparazzo who reportedly kicked his girlfriend, model Lara Bingle.

The fight is believed to have started outside bar Cubbyhole, when photographer Sheng Li kicked Lara, 26, in the leg.

Sam swiftly retaliated by punching Li in the face.

The Aussie action star, 37, was arrested on the spot, and will have to appear in court in February.

“Yes, Sam Worthington was arrested tonight and charged with assault,” New York Police Department Lieutenant John Grimpel told news.com.au. “He was released on a desk ticket with return to appear in court on 26 Feb.”

“The incident occurred on the street. A photographer was following his girlfriend, he wouldn’t let her pass and was blocking her path. Then for some reason he kicked her in the leg. Worthington reacted by punching him.”

Lieutenant Grimpel said the photographer, who was also arrested, was left with a laceration to the nose.

Lara’s Twitter feed has remained quiet, despite her tendency to overshare. She is believed to have walked away from the incident with a bruised leg.

The Aussie couple have received plenty of media attention since they began dating in October last year, but despite sharing their own steamy photographs over Instagram, they recently complained the relentless glare of the paparazzi made them want to “quit Australia”.

Wonder if this incident will change their minds?

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