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What Robbie Williams said to his wife following the birth of their son will either amuse or enrage you

How would you take a comment like this post birth?
robbie williams wife ayda field post birth comments

All couples have different takes on humour and coping mechanisms for pain, but we can’t help but feel that if our partner made the kind of comments Robbie Williams did following the birth of his son, we’d tell him to shove his opinions where the sun don’t shine.

Actress and Robbie’s wife, Ayda Field, has opened up in a new interview about how they make their six-year marriage work – which she attributes to their shared “strange” sense of humour.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Ayda revealed Robbie’s less than comforting words to her after she gave birth to their second child, Charlton.

“After I gave birth to Charlie he described the experience as like ‘watching his favourite pub burn down’. How many wives would put up with that?”

But while the idea of her future sex life going up in flames is the last thing many brand new mums would want to think of, Ayda said Robbie’s notorious sense of humour helps her deal with difficult situations.

“I thought the idea was genius. It took my mind off everything – especially the pain,” she said of his live tweeting of Charlie’s birth in 2014.

“Rob and I both have this strange sense of comedy which always involves us being the butt of our own jokes. There is a massive degree of showing off and being these crazy characters.”

Robbie, 42, and Ayda, 37, also share a daughter, three-year-old Theodora ‘Teddy’ Rose, and she reveals they’d like more kids one day.

“(We) have been lucky to have ‘a healthy, happy boy and girl. I’m at an age where there are no guarantees,” she said.

“But we’d both like more kids. Being parents suits us. Having kids has been the best thing for both of us.”

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