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Ricky Martin shows off his twins

Ricky Martin is proving to be every bit the doting dad, happily showing off pictures of his twin boys via Twitter, just in time for their first birthday.

Ricky posted photos of Valentino and Matteo, born through a surrogate mother last year, playing on the beach and snuggled in their dad’s arms.

The sexy singer also revealed details of his sons’ blossoming personalities and their family life.

“Valentino loves to sleep. I call him ‘Mr. Peace and Love’ because he’s so chill and serene. Matteo is more alert and active.”

The proud father has taken a break from touring in order to look after his boys, but is rumoured to be working on a new album due out next year.

Ricky says his main priority is still his kids: “I don’t have a nanny. I’m doing this on my own because I don’t want to miss a moment. I’m the one who changes the diapers, the one that feeds them, the one that bathes them, the one that puts them to sleep.”

Ricky’s decision to raise the boys alone and via a surrogate has further fuelled speculation about his sexuality, but has continued to dodge questions on the matter.

“I am a modern man, live a full life, do not feel any barriers inside myself,” he has previously said on the subject.

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