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Richard Branson’s love letter to his wife

For their 40th anniversary Richard Branson tells of his love at fist sight.
Richard branson's wife joan

Richard Branson says he fell instantly in love with Joan, the witty girl whose “eyes were made of magic,” in a letter penned to his wife on their 40th anniversary.

In an era of throw-away marriages their enduring story of love printed on the Virgin website is both heart-warming and inspiring and making more than just a few ladies swoon.

The pair met in the kitchen of the Virgin recording studios in 1976 as Joan made a cup of tea and although he experienced love at first sight Joan took a little convincing.

“She was unlike any other women I had ever met. She was beautiful. She was bright. She was witty. She was down to earth. She was fun. And she had eyes made of magic. However, the feeling wasn’t immediately reciprocated. I had to work hard for her attention, and ultimately affection,” his letter reads.

© Virgin

Joan worked in a local bric-a-brac store so Branson discovered a sudden interest in trinkets, endlessly buying things he didn’t need in an attempt just to be near her.

They bought Nekker Island for a song before they even had the money to do so, and 11 years later they turned it into a home and married there.

The pair have two children, Holly and Sam, and three grandchildren.

© Virgin

“I don’t like to think what my life would be like had I not met Joan. She is the most amazing and supportive partner, wonderful mother to our two lovely children Holly and Sam, and perfect grandmother to our three beautiful grandchildren, Artie, Etta and Eva-Deia”

In a sign off that expresses his joy of their union, Branson said:

“Happy anniversary Joan. Forty years have flown by with you at my side. It’s been one big ridiculous adventure of fun, friendship and love. Thank you for making life extraordinary. Your eyes are still as magic as they were forty years ago!”

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