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Princess Mary’s sisters – What we’re fighting for

Princess Mary’s sisters

Patricia Bailey and Jane Stephens talk to Glen Williams about what inspired them to become ambassadors for Ovarian Cancer Australia.

Princess Mary and her sisters Patricia Bailey and Jane Stephens know first-hand how illness can devastate a family. When the women lost their beloved mum, Henrietta, suddenly to heart disease 13 years ago, they were distraught.

But Henrietta’s legacy has had a lasting effect on the Tasmanian-born siblings – it’s made them understand just how vital it is for families to talk to each other about their health issues.

Determined to encourage women to be open and supportive of each other’s wellbeing, Patricia and Jane jumped at the chance to become ambassadors for another serious women’s health issue – ovarian cancer. “Our joint involvement shows the importance of families sticking together,” says Jane, who is a community ambassador. “It’s so important to talk to your family members about each other’s health.”

When the stunning sisters meet up with Woman’s Day, Patricia, who works as an anaesthetic and recovery nurse at the Royal Hobart Hospital, reveals ovarian cancer is a cause particularly close to her heart.

“It’s a horrible disease,” she says of the illness that claims the life of one Australian woman every 11 hours. “I’ve been a nurse for 22 years and during that time I’ve cared for women with ovarian cancer throughout the various stages of the illness. From being newly diagnosed, to having chemotherapy, to complications during their treatment… the impact it has on the families is just heartbreaking. You become so involved with the families, it can’t help but have an emotional impact on you. It is for this reason I was honoured to accept the role of official State Ambassador for Tasmania.”

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