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Princess Mary’s family under siege

Princess Mary's family under siege?

A mystery blogger’s vendetta against the princess now cruelly targets her children.

Since Tasmanian-born Mary Donaldson married Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark, her life has seemed like a modern-day fairytale. Aussie women want to be her and the Danish public have welcomed her as their own. But, sadly for Mary, there’s a downside to global adulation. Online bullies are taking aim at our princess — and their snide comments are as unfair as they are cruel.

Danish magazine Her & Nu has called out the nameless online author of Royal Danish Media Watch, whose bad-taste commentary of Mary’s life has left her supporters fuming. The female blogger slams Mary while “praising to the sky” Prince Frederik and, reports the mag, “The hatred has now expanded to include [Mary’s] children.” Among the “toxic opinions” is a nasty piece attacking not only Mary’s looks but her mothering skills.

“Madam has to show off — but what on earth is she showing everyone?” the blogger rages. “Old face, dead, fake hair and no maternal instincts. Fred looks completely disengaged. You would be too if you were married to that!” Referencing a recent family photoshoot in which Princess Josephine, 2, was too sick to participate, the blogger, who did not respond to the mag’s request for comment, snipes, “Josephine is not sick. She is just ugly. She is probably in a very unattractive stage and Mary can’t handle it!”

The site even takes aim at Mary’s best friend, Adelaide radio host Amber Petty, who was a bridesmaid at the royal wedding. “Mary is an egregious person of questionable character…by reinforcing her refusal to give up ‘best friendship’ with Amber Petty, noted skank, sell-out and anti-feminist,” the blog says. But Amber laughs off the comments.

Read more including Amber’s comments about the blog in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday August 13, 2012.

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