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Princess Mary home to celebrate her miracle twins

Princess Mary home to celebrate her miracle twins

Mary makes a mad dash to Australia after learning she’s expecting twins. Glen Williams explains why.

Breaking news: Exclusive Princess Mary update.

Princess Mary let none of her exciting news slip when she calmly left a message for her brother John to phone her, just hours before announcing to the world she was expecting twins.

Recalling the moment the Donaldson family learned two new royal babies were on the way, the Tasmanian-born Princess’s sister-in-law tells Woman’s Day how Mary remained tight-lipped up until she managed to track her brother down.

“Even then it was casual,” says Leanne Donaldson. “Mary phoned us on Friday and left a message for us to ring her. We were all at work when she first phoned.

“She finally got John on his mobile, and casually said, ‘Everyone is well over here – oh, and I’m pregnant with twins’.”

John was driving home from work and had to pull over to take the unexpected phone call. “He certainly didn’t expect to hear the word ‘twins’ uttered by Mary,” Leanne laughs. “He was totally shocked, as we all were. He half expected, ‘I’m pregnant’, but definitely not ‘with twins!’”

Leanne says when she heard the news she was both gobsmacked and overjoyed.

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