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Princess Charlene: secrets, lies and royal scandal

Princess Charlene: secret, lies and royal scandal

The principality is buzzing about what’s really going on between Prince Albert and his new wife.

They are calling her “The Silent Princess” – a pale, sad-eyed beauty who hasn’t said a word in public since murmuring “yes” to her husband on July 2. A month after the lavish wedding of Prince Albert of Monaco and ex-swimming champion Charlene Wittstock, doubts and suspicions still swirl around the couple. In fact, the Mediterranean realm was last week buzzing with talk that the royal pair will secretly live apart – and that their marriage is a sham intended only to produce an heir.

Feeding the rumour frenzy is the puzzling behaviour of 33-year-old Charlene. On her rare public appearances she seems – in the words of royal watcher Joelle Deviras – “distant and distracted”. When Albert, 53, summoned a group of journalists to issue an impassioned denial that the pair was unhappy, Charlene did little to help the cause, sitting expressionless at his side.

Asked by her husband if she wanted to add anything, the South African-born blonde shook her head, and quickly left the room. The fear now is that her silence may speak volumes about what is happening behind palace walls. Meanwhile, on the streets of Monaco, it seems everyone else is having their say.

The latest rumour is that the couple will, effectively, live in separate houses. According to French magazine VSD, Albert will remain at the palace, and Charlene at Roc Agel, a luxury villa owned by the royals in the village of La Turbie, just across the French border. With stunning views over the Mediterranean, it was a favourite retreat of Albert’s mother Grace Kelly. Villagers say Charlene has been a constant visitor since arriving in Monaco nearly five years ago. “She loves it here, she likes to walk in the hills,” says one local. “She’ll go off for the day with a backpack and friends, but you never see her with Albert.”

Read more about the silent princess and the scandal that threatens to ruin her marriage in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale August 15, 2011.

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