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Pregnant Nicole’s body obsession

The star gets in top shape, putting herself through a punishing exercise regime.

After finally becoming pregnant following years of longing for a baby, Nicole Kidman seems determined to be in top shape for the birth. But now there are concerns that she may overdo it, with warnings from doctors that perhaps she should slow down.

Putting the same determined effort into preparing for the birth as she does for a starring role, the actress has been seen exercising at least three times in one week, under the guidance of a personal instructor. She has also been spotted leaving a gym.

Overdoing it?

At five months pregnant, Nicole is still slim with a barely visible bump, and is keeping up her exercise routine despite regular trips between LA and Sydney.

But doctors and sports scientists warn she may be pushing herself too hard. Recent photos show Nicole looking pale and tired, and it also appears she has begun to lose her hair. Now concerns are growing that the pregnant star may put too much pressure on herself.

“There are guidelines you need to follow if you want to exercise when you are pregnant, there are certain rules to protect you and the baby,” says exercise scientist Martha Lourey Bird from the School of Public Health at the University of New South Wales. “It’s not a time to exercise to an extreme.”

Nicole, 40, is currently taking a well-earned break from acting, and with husband Keith Urban set to return to the US at the beginning of April for his tour with 24-year-old country singer Carrie Underwood, she is occupying herself with regular workouts.

Sydney’s Royal Hospital for Women recommends all women exercise at least three times a week, and says “if you already have a fitness routine, you can generally continue that routine” when you are pregnant.

Two weeks ago, The Australian newspaper reported Nicole had gone to an exercise class in Sydney’s eastern suburbs straight after having an appointment with her Macquarie Street obstetrician.

“The most important thing is to not get overheated. As your body temperature goes up and your heart rate goes up, so does the baby’s,” Martha explains. “But while you are able to cool down quickly in the air, it doesn’t happen the same way to the baby.”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale March 31).


Read more about Nicole Kidman.

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