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Posh and Becks: We’ll have baby number 5!

Posh and Becks: We'll have baby number 5!

Friends say their once-strong relationship is on rocky ground, but David and Victoria are determined to fight for their marriage…and another baby may be just the solution.

When Victoria Beckham suggested last week that she and David were in talks to add to their brood, no-one was more shocked than their closest friends. For months, their inner circle had been helplessly standing by, witnessing what they believed was a once-perfect marriage slowly crumbling.

But when asked by US Glamour magazine recently if there were plans for a fifth baby Beckham, Victoria teasingly replied, “Never say never!” Sources in London, where the two are attending the Olympics, have even suggested they’re already trying to conceive. “They’ve always wanted five children to give them a family of seven — their lucky number,” a friend tells newspaper The Daily Star. “Both Victoria and David are very patriotic and would love it if she got pregnant while they’re in London for the Olympics. The other children were conceived overseas, so they’re hoping their final child will have a ‘Made in Britain’ tag.”

All the crowing about adding to the family is in stark contrast to the tattered relationship that several sources close to the couple have been describing to Woman’s Day. Just days after their 13th anniversary last month – during which, our insider says, David sank beers with a buddy while watching soccer rather than spoiling his wife — the UK’s golden couple stalked into a cocktail party wearing grim expressions.

Soon after arriving, David, 37, and Victoria, 38, proceeded to have a hissed argument in front of stunned guests. “She had a face like thunder and at one point turned and walked away from him,” a witness tells us exclusively. “He called after her loudly but she stormed off to the bathroom.” Insiders claim their public petulance has been a lot more than a minor bump in the road of their otherwise perfect marriage.

Read more about Posh and Beck’s baby plans in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday August 6, 2012.

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