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EXCLUSIVE: Pete Murray chats about touring, Camacho and married life

It's been a while, but the Aussie legend is back and we're strumming our guitar with pure joy!
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Pete Murray is undoubtedly one of the biggest and most respected names in the Australian music industry.

The 48-year-old muso took a well-earned hiatus for life, but now he’s back with a brand spanking new sixth studio album, Camacho… Plus a national tour.

Now To Love was lucky enough to chat to Pete about his killer new sound.

You’re in the middle of your national tour – how’s that coming along?

It’s going really well. The bands really start to gel together. The hype around new album has been very positive so it’s all good!

There’s been quite a break since we last heard from you as solo artist – what’s been happening?

I’ve been spending time with my family – especially my two boys, Charlie and Pedro. I took some time off to be there for them. There’s also been song writing, demoing and surfing [laughs].

Taking things a little easier. I also got married last November [to photographer Mira Eady].

Quite a bit has been happening in my life.

Camacho is your sixth album – does writing and creating an album get easier?

Nothing ever gets easier! It’s always a struggle to try and write something that’s a little bit different from what you’ve done before.

It’s always a challenge and you always want to try and do something a little different . It’s a tricky thing!

Was there something that inspired the music – and what’s your driving force when you write?

It’s been a really a positive experience. I write about life and a lot has been happening.

I wanted a really upbeat album. It’s a big sound. It has a real great vibe to it.

Fans compare your music to be art… There’s real depth and purpose to it. Do you think the music environment today may be lacking?

It’s pretty annoying… Music in the past has been lyrically challenging.

But everyone wants to get something positive out of music – that’s the main thing.

What are your thoughts on reality tv shows launching music careers?

It’s not as credible honestly.

Have you noticed a shift in your fan base as your music changes?

It is changing. When I first started I had a lot of teens up to mid 30s. Now those teens are in their late 20s-30s.

We’re also getting older and younger people. It’s a real mix!

You have an incredible Discography, but artists tend to be linked to their classics – do fans still ask you to belt out “So Beautiful”

You always get that, no matter where you go!

I guess there’s a lot of songs fans want. The hits are great, but people still have their personal favourites and if I remember how to play it then I will.

It’s really exciting that people are responding to the new music. The feedback has been very positive.

Fans are singing along to the new songs – which is amazing.

Are you boys interested in music?

They’ve been to a few shows now and it seems like they’re really enjoying seeing me play and watching the crowd react.

They’re at an age where they can understand what’s happening [they’re 13 and 10].

They can see what it’s all about. At the moment the boys are soccer mad so music isn’t their main priority.

To find out how you can get your hands on Pete’s album and tickets to his 33-date national tour, head to www.petemurray.com

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