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Patrick’s final words of love

When Patrick Swayze discovered he was dying, he sat down with his beloved wife Lisa Niemi to write about their life together. Woman’s Day shares this yet to be released extract from The Time Of His Life.

Since Patrick Swayze passed away from pancreatic cancer last week, fans and peers have been paying tribute to the incredible life of the 57-year old. He’s described as “gorgeous and strong … with a tender heart,” by Dirty Dancing co-star Jennifer Grey, and “a really good man … to whom I owe much that I can’t ever repay,” by fellow Ghost actor Whoopi Goldberg. Everyone who worked with the Texan-born dancer is in agreement; he had a lust for life which was inspirational and infectious. But Patrick’s most important role was off-screen, as husband to wife of 34 years Lisa Niemi.

They married when Patrick was 23 and Lisa just 19. Instead of crumbling under Patrick’s battle with alcoholism and Lisa’s miscarriage, their love endured. Patrick’s cancer diagnosis in 2007 inspired the couple to renew their vows, sharing heartfelt words with each other in front of family and friends …

“I noticed Lisa Haapaniemi right away, with her lithe dancer’s build, her long blonde hair, and the look of indifference she had whenever she passed me by. I was still intrigued by this mysterious, beautiful girl, but she acted as cool as ever to me … But then came the moment we first danced together onstage. And suddenly, everything changed. We were performing an exhibition of classical dance at a junior high school auditorium in 1972. Lisa and I had learned and rehearsed the pas de deux from the ballet Raymonda.

Just before we stepped out onstage, I kissed her on the cheek for good luck, but that wasn’t the magic moment. The magic happened when she took my hand to start dancing, and our eyes locked. It felt like an electric charge suddenly coursed through my body.

I looked into Lisa’s eyes, and it was as if I was seeing her for the first time. We moved together as one, and I felt a stirring deep in my soul. It was a fleeting moment, but I never forgot it. But after the dance was done, I didn’t mention it to her, afraid that the feelings had been mine alone. But the attraction between us was so strong, and the intensity of our emotions so high, that something eventually had to give. And boy, did it…

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