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Patrick’s fairytale life

TV’s Dr McDreamy takes an enchanting turn on the big screen

It’s been a fairytale few years for Patrick Dempsey. Having been catapulted from bit-part actor to steamy leading man courtesy of the massive success of Grey’s Anatomy, he could be forgiven for thinking he’s living in a dream world. In addition to his good looks and fame, the 41-year-old also has a happy marriage with hair and make-up artist Jill Fink. Together they have a five-year-old daughter Tallulah and twin sons, Sullivan and Darby, 10 months. It’s no wonder he feels like he’s on top of the world!

Here Patrick talks about his new film Enchanted where, in a case of art imitating life, his character is remarkably like a modern-day Prince Charming…

Was it fun playing a dad in Enchanted?

I’d never played a father before. I could bring my daughter to the set for the big ballroom numbers — she wore a gown and all the girls took care of her. She loved the princess. She got a sense of what her dad can do and it’s a memory she’ll always have. It meant a lot to her.

Do you like fairytales?

I like this fairytale. It’s clever and funny. Disney makes fun of itself in a good way. It’s surprised me that I actually like it as a guy. You’re not supposed to, but it works and it has a lot of heart too.

What’s the best thing about working on Grey’s?

Job security.

So what does money mean to you?

Wow! Having had none and then having some, life is much better with money. I want to provide for my kids and give them as much as possible: a good education and the means to live in the country on a farm. That allows the twins to be boys and my daughter to go horse riding and not worry about who’s outside or if she’s going to be abducted. It would be nice for them to have some sort of innocence. With work right now, I’m missing a bit of time with them, but I know what I want to give them.

Have you been asked for medical advice?

Sometimes people do now. They’re like, “What do you think I should do for this?” Once my daughter fell and split her chin open and I said to the doctor, “Don’t give her stitches, just use the glue.” I didn’t trust him and wasn’t sure he’d be any good at doing stitches.

Do you ever get squeamish?

No, not a bit. When we started Grey’s I had to watch a brain surgery, and I wasn’t freaked out at all. It was very clinical and professional. People were talking about what they had for dinner! They’d get serious every now and then, and then they’d have some more conversation. It was as if they were mechanics — it was interesting.

People who have been awake during surgery say it’s weird when they realise the doctors have the radio on and are humming and chatting.

Yeah, singing and talking about music! But what you find is that you stop thinking of the patients as people.

How do you keep it real, with all this fame?

I race cars in my spare time, and the other racers give me a hard time. They definitely like picking on me. Now that I have the Enchanted Robert doll, I’m getting strange text messages with pictures of things they’re doing to the doll — it’s very funny. I like the camaraderie. Drivers I’ve known prior to the success of Grey’s like me for who I am and make fun of me all the time. They keep it in perspective for me and I appreciate that. I see [celebrity] for what it is.

Read more of this interview in Woman’s Day (on-sale December 31)

Enchanted is screening now at theatres nationally

Words: © Croc Media

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