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Palace fury as British MP reveals Kate’s pregnant

Palace fury as British MP reveals Kate's pregnant

The secret is out…that gorgeous glow may be more than wedded bliss.

When it comes to confirming the imminent arrival of a royal heir, Buckingham Palace intends to keep it a closely guarded secret for as long as humanly possible. So when a loose-lipped British politician last week announced to a crowd of 250 people that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting, royal staffers were understandably furious at the blatant breach of protocol.

“I think Kate is pregnant,” MP Claire Perry told the crowd at a gathering at Kate’s former school, Marlborough College, cheekily adding, “It would be good for the economy.” The comments sparked a bump-watch among royalists when Prince William’s wife made several appearances at the London Olympics. While the 30-year-old’s hands were often seen protectively hovering over her stomach, royal experts aren’t confirming the pregnancy.

The politician’s remarks have been labelled “inappropriate”, “crass” and “unhelpful” — among other things. “It’s out of turn and slightly crass,” palace observer Ingrid Seward told the UK’s Daily Mail. “If she is pregnant, no-one is going to know about it. Kate won’t want to take the glory away from the Queen in her Jubilee year.” Royal historian Hugo Vickers agrees, adding, “Unless Claire has visited the same gynaecologist [as Kate] it strikes me as extremely unlikely she might know. It’s none of her business!”

Clarence House has refused to comment, but the infuriating claims have come just as Kate is shining brighter than ever in her role as the future queen. She has stepped up to the plate in the biggest year of modern royal history, representing the Queen at events for the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics.

Read more about Kate and her royal role in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday August 6, 2012.

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