Young royals at war

Young royals at war

She’s won the hearts of the adoring public but behind the scenes Kate is earning more enemies than friends.. They’ve weathered decades of scandal and whispers of in-fighting, but to the casual observer it appears the House of Windsor is finally a united and happy family unit. And it’s thanks in no small part to […]
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Miley Cyrus: 'I'll give our marriage 130 percent'

Exclusive! Miley Cyrus: ‘I’ll give our marriage 130 percent’

Since announcing their engagement earlier this month, Miley Cyrus and Aussie actor Liam Hemsworth have been battered by claims that they’re too young to wed. But if our exclusive interview with former tween idol Miley Cyrus is anything to go by, it seems the couple knows just what they’re in for when it comes to […]
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Our advice for Julia Gillard

Our advice for Julia Gillard

Six of Australia’s most admired women give their advice for Prime Minister Julia Gillard and reveal their stance on Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s policies on women’s issues. Carrie Bickmore, 31 Carrie is a co-host of The Project on Network Ten. She lost her husband Greg to cancer in 2010 and has a son, Oliver. Advice […]
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Why you can't find plus-size clothes

Why you can’t find plus-size clothes

The average Australian woman is a size 16, but if you head on to the high street you’ll be lucky to find anything bigger than a 14. So what’s going on? Why isn’t someone plugging this gaping hole in the market? “There’s this bizarre mindset among some of the designers that says catering for anyone […]
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