We refused to give up our beautiful boy

We refused to give up our beautiful baby with Down syndrome

Over 40 years ago, Kevin and Shirley Orr defied doctors and kept their baby with Down syndrome. Now, the caring roles have reversed and the real dilemma is this — what happens when Mum and Dad die? Kevin Orr remembers well the joy running through the house the first day he brought his newborn son, […]
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Dieter and Melissa's 20 year feud

Dieter Brummer and Melissa George’s 20 year feud

Former Home And Away star Dieter Brummer begged to be killed off so he could escape Melissa George. He tells PHIL KOCH why he hasn’t spoken to the actress in 17 years… Dieter Brummer is still rolling around laughing after the latest rant from Melissa George, who became famous playing his lover on Home And […]
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Nikki Webster's wedding! She's a princess bride!

Nikki Webster’s wedding! She’s a princess bride!

The darling of the 2000 Olympics is on cloud nine after tying the knot in Sydney. Having flown high above Sydney’s Olympic stadium with the world’s eyes upon her, Nikki Webster should be used to being the centre of attention. But in front of her family and closest friends, Nikki couldn’t have been more nervous […]
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Brange brood overrun pizza parlour

Brange brood overrun pizza parlour

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s brood of six certainly love pizza! Every time they visit Arris’ Pizza, their local pizza parlour in Springfield, Missouri, they cause a real commotion. “The place shuts down for the entire night and the kids raise a ruckus,” a source has told Us magazine. “They jump on tables and even […]
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Nicole Kidman opens up on “intoxicating” relationship with Tom Cruise

Nicole Kidman says Tom Cruise split was a total shock

When Tom Cruise announced his marriage to wife of 10 years Nicole Kidman was over, it made world headlines. But the Aussie actress has now revealed no-one was more shocked by the news than she was. “I thought our life together was perfect,” Nicole tells France’s DuJour magazine. Now, 11 years on, she is happily […]
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Brangelina’s luxury holiday cottage

Brangelina’s luxury holiday cottage

Residents of sleepy English village, Ickham, couldn’t believe their eyes this week when they awoke to discover Hollywood’s most famous family holidaying in their midst! Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and their six-strong brood, were renting luxury cottage The Treasury, just outside Kent, whilst Brad filmed scenes for his upcoming blockbuster movie, World Z.
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