In an interview with Dallas Morning News on Sunday, Owen Wilson revealed that his beloved dad, Robert Wilson, has been suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
“It’s been a rough thing,” the Marley & Me star revealed.
He added: “It’s one of this things where if somebody had said 10 years ago, when my dad and I were joking around, having a putting match, that this is the position your dad’s going to be in, where he basically needs 24-hour care, you’d think, ‘Gosh, I won’t be able to handle that. That’s just not possible.’”
The dad-of-two, continued: “You just have to do your best to deal with it. You’ve got no choice but to accept it. And then, you sort of still look for the things to still be grateful for.”
“He is at home, taken care of, and he has people around that love him,” he explained.
Owen’s dad, who is married to photographer Laura Wilson, was a successful TV executive in Dallas, Texas, and is the father to three talented sons, Luke, Andrew and of course Owen – all of whom are actors!
“For me and my brothers, there just wasn’t a bigger influence on us, maybe it sounds trite or something, but I really believe that his spirit gets carried on through me, the way I like to joke around,” the 46-year-old revealed to the news station.

Brothers, Luke and Owen Wilson
The Texan native splits his time between his homes in Maui and Los Angeles, but often head back to Dallas for its “sense of community.”
“You really see that when you have to deal with some bad luck, like what’s happened with my dad,” he said.
“People have supported my mother and done stuff and that’s so valuable. The great thing about feeling you’re a part of a community is how it sustains you.”
Sending lots of love and support to Owen and his family!