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Our all natural covergirl

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The Weekly’s November cover girl, Sarah Murdoch, told us she did not want her photographs digitally retouched. So we didn’t.

Real. Is a word Sarah returns to often. It’s the “real” stories in Pride of Australia that engage her. It’s the realness of the sausage sizzle and the camping trip and the lining up to buy tickets to Up [the children’s movie] with everyone else.

In pictures: Sarah Murdoch

It’s also, admirably, the desire to put a real face forward in the media. Literally. She wants The Weekly to leave her photographs as natural as possible, wrinkles and all.

“I think when I’m retouched in photographs it’s worse, because when people see me in real life, they go, ‘Oh, God! Isn’t she old!’ ” She’s joking, of course, but all the same, “It makes me mad that we can’t embrace the beauty of ageing, because we’re all going to do it. I’m wondering about these people who are in their 30s – even 20s sometimes – doing all this Botox and work on their faces. What are they going to look like by the time they’re 60 or 70? Where do you stop? It’s a slippery slope. I’m not brave enough to go there.”

Your say: If it was available to you at the time of your wedding, would you have your cherished main photo retouched to enhance your beauty?

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