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Oprah’s right-hand man reveals all

The chat show queen’s beauty secrets are finally out as her make-up guru reveals how she looks so fresh at 54.


For more than 20 years he’s been the man making Oprah look great, and next month, make-up artist Reggie Wells is coming to Australia with his Beauty 101 classes to teach everyone the art of looking good.

In an exclusive chat in this week’s Woman’s Day he reveals how he convinced Oprah to change her look for the better.

WD: You once said Oprah has puffy upper eyelids and no bridge on her nose, not to mention poor foundation-blending abilities.

Reggie: Well, you know, I gave her a make-up lesson and she got much better then! She is much better now.


WD: How did you convince her to change her look?

Reggie: She just took one look at her skin, the way I made it lightweight and smooth. She could see the difference.

WD: What’s your relationship with Oprah like after years as her closest confidant?

Reggie: Oprah is like a sister to me. We always talk about being the total woman, so that’s very important. I did 90 covers for her O magazine. When I first started with her I didn’t know her, but I think she appreciated, really, the make-up. But she is the kind of person who will help you in any endeavour, and if you show her something new, she’s really willing to learn, and you don’t have to force anything…


For more of this interview, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 22, 2008)

Reggie Wells will conduct his first ever masterclass outside of the US, Beauty 101, in late October. For bookings and info call Hissyfit on (03) 9676 1878 or go to

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