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Oprah announces second Sydney show


Talk show queen Oprah Winfrey has announced a second Australia show to be filmed at Sydney’s Opera House following a huge demand for tickets.

The announcement that two shows will be filmed on December 14 comes after government documents revealed a huge response to her initial show at the landmark’s forecourt, News Ltd report.

Those who had pre-registered for tickets received an email today stating that ticket requests will be open from Friday, November 5, at 10am until Sunday, November 7, at 3pm.

The ticket requests will be available at www.oprah.com with ticket winners being chosen at random.

It has been rumoured that Oprah will also record a show at an undisclosed Australian Outback location.

Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure begins next month when she visits along with 300 audience members from the US.

Oprah announced her visit to Australia in September as part of her final season after 25 years.

The Sydney show was secretly negotiated with the NSW state government and Tourism Australia.

Related Video: Oprah’s personal message to Australia: “cheers mate!”

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