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‘Octomum’ ruining Dr Phil’s marriage

The TV shrink’s relationship with the controversial single mum of 14 is putting even more pressure on his marriage.

Dr Phil McGraw’s wife Robin has threatened to walk out if he continues his burgeoning relationship with California’s controversial “Octomum” Nadya Suleman.

The mother of octuplets has been the subject of worldwide criticism since it was revealed she asked to be implanted with multiple embryos, despite having six other children, no job and no partner.

According to US magazine Globe, Robin McGraw has issued her husband with an ultimatum as Nadya continues to reach out to the therapist — day and night — following her string of appearances on his TV show.

“Robin is horrified by this woman, and now she’s a part of their lives, like it or not,” a close friend of Robin’s told Globe. “Octomom has totally insinuated herself into Phil and Robin’s life, and Phil laid a welcome mat out for her.”

Nadya has appeared on The Dr Phil Show four times in as many weeks, after her first appearance significantly boosted his flagging ratings.

Since then, the controversial psychologist has showered Nadya with gifts — including cribs, change tables and even around-the-clock nursing care for her eight babies. In an unprecedented move, he has even counselled Nadya at his Beverly Hills home.

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