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‘Octomum’ finally admits: “It was a mistake!”

Single mother Nadya Suleman shocked the world earlier this year by giving birth to eight babies after deliberately having multiple embryos implanted — despite not having a job, a partner or even a home of her own.

After initially brushing off criticism of her choice to do so, now the mother of 14 has confessed that it was “a mistake”.

In a stunning Australian exclusive interview, Nadya talks in detail about her feelings of guilt over bringing kids into the world without a father figure, her despair at not feeling able to give enough time to each of her children, and her loneliness in the face of her realisation that she might now never find a partner.

Nadya says she is tortured by fears that she isn’t providing enough individual attention to each of her 14 kids: Elijah, 8; Amerah, 6; Joshua, 5; Aidan, 4; twins Calyssa and Caleb, 2; and octuplets Josiah, Makai, Jeremiah, Nariyah, Jonah, Noah, Maliyah and Isaiah.

She also reveals her mind-boggling daily routine, and what it takes to keep her enormous brood of children fed, clean and happy.

Feeling forced by money worries to put her kids in a reality TV show, she insists they will not be exploited.

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