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Nigella’s confession: ‘My kids won’t eat my food’

When celebrity chef Nigella Lawson says “Pomegranate”, viewers say, “How much?” They call it the ‘Nigella effect’ Nigella’s use of an ingredient sees its sudden rise in popularity in supermarkets.

However, it turns out that even the Domestic Goddess can’t wield ultimate power at home in the kitchen.

49-year-old Nigella has admitted to UK newspaper Daily Telegraph that, when it comes to her famed cooking, her children give her the thumbs down.

“My children won’t eat my food,” says Nigella. “If it is not plastic or out of a box, then they are not interested.”

You mean, they don’t want goose fat on their cornflakes? Surely not!

But if Nigella’s children won’t eat home-cooked meals, what hope do the rest of us have?

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