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Nicole: Being with Tom helped me understand Grace

Nicole Kidman says her own experience marrying Tom Cruise helped her understand Grace Kelly when preparing to play the late Monaco princess.
Oscar winner and Australian treasure Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman on the red carpet at Cannes.

In an exclusive interview with The Australian Women’s Weekly, the Oscar-winning actress said the tale of an actress who married into royalty only to have her world turned-upside down was one she was able to relate to personally.

“I can see the parallels,” Nicole says in the June issue of The Weekly. “But it’s so long ago that I am reluctant now to even talk about it because, one, it’s disrespectful to my husband now and, two, it was obviously a long time ago.”

The home-grown actress plays Princess Grace in her new film, Grace of Monaco. The film, which is directed by celebrated Piaf-director, Olivier Dahan, shows the late princess’s plight at having to compromise a burgeoning Hollywood career for marriage to a European prince forms the nub of the narrative.

Asked if, like Princess Grace, she would walk away from her film career for love, Nicole tells The Weekly nothing is more important than her family.

“If it were the choice between my family and Keith, and my career, I wouldn’t even bat an eyelid,” she says. “The most important things to me are the love of our relationship and my children.

“At this stage of my life, and with time being so precious, the joy I get from us as a family outweighs any joy in any other area of my life, by far.”

Nicole also uses the interview to give touching insights into daily life in the Kidman-Urban household, including details of the family’s recent stay in Australia and their habit of compiling home videos each birthday featuring their daughters, Sunday and Faith. She also speaks affectionately about her eldest children, Bella and Connor and her pride at the adults they have become.

“They are generous, kind and hardworking,” says Nicole. “And these are traits that I love to see in my children.”

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