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New book taints Diana’s memory

  • Diana pursued Prince Charles and was more interested in his royal title than in the man himself. When asked by her mother if she loved him or loved ‘what he is’, she replied, “What’s the difference?”

  • Charles’s former flame Sabrina Guinness claims Diana was “all over” Charles prior to their courtship. “She was flirting, she was giggling … sitting on his lap.”

  • Diana had two “assignations” with Charles on the royal train before they were married, but leading up to the wedding she worked with the palace to maintain an image of virginity.

  • Diana did not throw herself down the stairs while pregnant with William. She only stumbled, and later made up the story as a way to gain sympathy.

  • After her divorce, she was looking for a wealthy and powerful husband “with a Gulf-stream jet”. She had no intention of marrying Dodi Fayed and instead had her sights set on American financier Teddy Forstmann.

  • Before her death, she and Prince William fought about her relationship with Dodi.

Portions of the book are to be printed in UK Vanity Fair next month and publishers have already coughed up a £1million advance for its full publication.

In a bitter blow to the royal family, the book is due to go on sale in mid-June — just two weeks before the 10-year memorial concert planned by Diana’s sons William and Harry.

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