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Molly was playing with her twin one day, dead the next

Molly was playing with her twin one day, dead the next

Max and Molly Mackander the day before Molly died of enterovirus 71.

Molly Mackander was a vivacious and healthy toddler, who looked out for her less robust twin Max. But just 24 hours after playing on the beach, Molly was dead, her tiny body overwhelmed by a newly-arrived strain of enterovirus 71. Here, her mother Melissa Brittain pays tribute to her little girl.

Molly had many nicknames, Baby Girl, Big girl, Molly Moona, Moonie, Sissy and Sissy Princess.

Molly entered our world five weeks premature and two minutes behind her twin brother Max.

She was a precious new baby for me, the apple of her Daddy’s eye and a precious little sister to Mikaela, Bailey, Jordan and Max.

Molly’s personality was beautiful. She was quite the character and oozed plenty of confidence.

Molly was a fun loving, happy go-lucky child with a very cheeky and contagious smile, the same smile that would turn into the kind of giggles that would melt your heart.

Molly was also very active, constantly seeking any opportunity she could to run away, looking back at you over her shoulder with her staple smile, ready for the chase.

Molly also loved to perform and would dance every-time she heard music.

Molly had many loves in her little life. Along with her family, she enjoyed the company of her many dummies and after a while “dum” became her first word, shortly after “Daddy” and “Mummy”.

Molly’s first sentence was at 16 months: “Mum, dropped Dum, it’s on floor”.

This was followed shortly by “Mummy, where is Daddy?” Molly could also count to 10 from the age of 12 months.

Molly’s favourite TV show was ABC 4 Kids, she thoroughly enjoyed Giggle and Hoot, The Wiggles and In The Night Garden along with the original Hi-5.

Molly’s favourite possession of all was her twin brother Max. She was loving, caring and nurturing toward him and never far from his side.

From the day they were born, Max and Molly were inseparable, completely in sync with a special sparkle of love in their eyes that only twins could share.

Watching their relationship grow and the way interacted with each other change was an experience for both David and I.

Molly was never far from Max’s side, always encouraging him and even standing up for him in her own little language.

Our family have experienced some pretty amazing moments between Max and Molly, and once they entered the world of day care they became each other’s comfort and support. This support from Molly will continue throughout his life.

Molly has touched the lives of so many, but most of all she changed the lives of those closest to her. We will forever miss our Princess. Not a moment goes by that she is not in our hearts and our thoughts.

I don’t think that we will ever understand why she was taken from us so soon and so quickly.

Thank you for giving us the chance to share Molly’s story. I hope that through our story other families will now have the knowledge to help save the lives of their children.

Read more of Molly’s heartbreaking story and everything you need to know about enterovirus 71 in the July issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

Our online coverage of enterovirus 71 can be found here:

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