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Mindy Kaling’s fabulous Christmas tradition

Mindy Kaling's hilarious Christmas tradition, Wreth Witherspoon, goes viral
Mindy Kaling Wreath Witherspoon

Kaling debuted the hilarious creation on her TV show The Mindy Project in which Kaling plays pop culture obsessed gynocologist Dr. Mindy Lahiri who lives in New York City and is a diehard romantic.

In the show Kaling’s Lahiri is currently dating her colleague, the straight laced, slightly repressed Dr Danny Castellano (whose perfect night might include smooth jazz and burpees) and in last week’s episode Mindy’s Christmas decorations are stressing him out.

Like, for example, Mindy’s Rihanna Christmas topper,

“A Christmas tree is no place for exposed breasts, you’re lucky I let you put up that wreath,” Danny tells Mindy before the camera pans to Mindy’s glorious Wreath Witherspoon, a wreath made out of magazine cut-outs of Reese Witherspoon’s face.

“Wreath Witherspoon? This is the nicest thing in your apartment,” retorts Mindy.

And she’s not the only one to think so.

Since the episode aired dozens of fans of the show have gotten crafty creating their own Wreath Witherspoon’s and posting them on to social media. Mindy Kaling Instagrammed a few of her favourites this week and the real Reese Witherspoon voiced approval of the Christmas decorations made in her likeness, re-posting Kaling’s photo and writing “Ha ha, love it!”

Just a few of the #WreathWitherspoon I’ve seen on insta. @cbgrandy did you see this? Une photo publiée par Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) leDéc. 12, 2014 at 8:48 PST

Just a few of the #WreathWitherspoon I’ve seen on insta. @cbgrandy did you see this?

Une photo publiée par Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) leDéc. 12, 2014 at 8:48 PST

It’s a Christmas tradition that we can get behind, and one with plenty of room for extension. As Cosmopolitan points out, what about Awreatha Franklin? Keanu Wreaths? So many festive options.


Awkward celebrity Christmas photos

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