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Mila Kunis’ hilarious response to story claiming she stole a chicken off a child

Remember that time Mila Kunis stole a chicken? No, well neither does she and now she wants to make one thing clear, it never happened!
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Reports started circulating that the actress allegedly stole a chicken from her childhood friend and aspiring singer, Kristina Karo. Instead of getting upset about it, Mila and her hubby, Ashton Kutcher set the record straight with a hilarious new video.

The proud parents to baby Wyatt posted their response straight to YouTube and addressed the scandalous and downright clucky allegations in a very cool manner.

“Let’s just get this clear. You stole a chicken from a one-month-old child who spoke to you in an entire conversation? It’s just shocking to me,” Ashton began.

“It’s shocking to me that news organisations, real journalists out there that have fact-checked this story didn’t pick up on the fact that this girl was one month old and having a conversation with you from Ukraine.”

“Speaking in English in one month? This is the smartest girl I’ve ever heard of,” he added.

Coincidentally the allegations seem to come at a rather opportune time for the singer.

“So this girl has a music video coming out at the same time she’s suing you for $5,000 for the stolen chicken when she was one month old and you were seven?” Ashton asked.

Aspiring pop star and victim of alleged chicken stealing, Kristina Kora

“I was devastated. I was weeping. I was dumbfounded,” Mila joked about when she first heard the news.

“I was like, “Which chicken did I steal?” I was obviously in the village when I stole these chickens so I apologised to this woman who may or may not have been a month old.”

Technically Mila isn’t being sued, as no papers have been served, but for the brunette beauty the damage has been done.

“I would like to launch a counter $5,000 lawsuit for making me watch that music video. My body hurts. My eyes hurt. They’re burning,” Mila joked with a straight face.

“I feel like I will be a chicken fighter for a very long time. I would never steal somebody else’s chicken.”

In case you needed more convincing, Ashton delivered a closing argument.

“I believe this woman. I know her very well. I believe she’s an ethical person that wouldn’t steal chicken. You heard it right from the chicken’s mouth.”

Case closed!

Now, we have one question for Kristina: Did you ever consider that maybe your beloved chicken simply crossed the road?

Watch the very funny video in the player above.

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