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Meryl Streep snooped around Gwyneth Paltrow’s apartment

Meryl Streep uses Gwyneth Paltrow's oven for Thanksgiving dinner
Meryl Streep Gwyneth Paltrow

Just to recall, this is what he told White House reporter Jennifer Bendery: “I love Meryl Streep. Her husband knows I love her. Michelle knows I love her. There’s nothing they can do about it.”

The reasons she is so magnificent are many. She is quite possibly the world’s greatest actress, she is so darn classy and she has zero ego, despite having more than enough reason to do so.

Oh, and she admits to not being perfect.

Like the time that she nearly ruined her family Thanksgiving with her shonky oven (side note: the woman cooks her own turkey) and had to bust in (well, not quite, her doorman let her in) to her New York neighbour Gwyneth Paltrow’s apartment to borrow hers.

Yes, really.

Streep admitted this pearler to the hosts of Live! with Kelly and Michael who begged for more details. You know, did she snoop around?

Because Streep is a more evolved human than the rest of us she resisted the urge to have a stickybeak around her neighbour’s apartment (Paltrow wasn’t there, alas) but Streep did confirm what we were all expecting to be true, Paltrow has one seriously amazing oven.

As Streep said,

“Gwyneth Paltrow has the best oven I have ever seen in my life.”

Here’s to good neighbours, salvaged turkey and Meryl Streep.

We must always give thanks for Meryl Streep.

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