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Mel’s marriage is annulled … by his own dad

No wonder Mel Gibson is giving the thumbs-up. Full time has been called on his 28-year marriage to Robyn Moore.

The Pope didn’t give the order, though. That edict came from Mel’s 90-year-old father Hutton Gibson, and it paves the way for his son to marry his pregnant Russian girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva by Christmas.

Having had his request turned down by Catholic bishops, Mel, 53, pleaded his case in front of a tribunal of members from the Church of the Holy Family, his breakaway Catholic church in Malibu.

Hutton, who once studied for the priesthood only to leave before he was ordained, presided over the hearing. He granted Mel’s annulment request after his son presented evidence that his union to Robyn, 53, was never a true marriage — even though they wed in a Catholic ceremony in Australia in June 1980.

“Especially important was Mel’s description of how he felt pressured into the marriage in the first place because Robyn was pregnant,” a family insider says.

“Those feelings indicated to Hutton that it couldn’t have been a true marriage, and so he felt it must be invalid.

“After the discussion ended, Hutton pounded his fist on the table and said, ‘It is true that this union did not have what it takes to be a true marriage.'”

The family are at pains to keep the annulment, which took place a month after Robyn filed for divorce in April, a secret — but maybe not too secret.

“Mel hopes some of the bishops he has befriended recently can be persuaded to give him a proper Catholic annulment,” the insider says.

Either way, Mel is forging ahead with plans for a Christmas wedding to Oksana, 39, despite her cold feet over his recent behaviour, which includes gambling escapades in Las Vegas.

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