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Megan Gale

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She’s the girl who has it all – soaring career, sexy new man, beauty, brains and a newfound appreciation for who she is and where she’s come from. Megan Gale tells Michael Sheather she’s delved into her past and likes what she sees.

Megan Gale breaks all the rules. She is smart, sexy and seductively down-to-earth, and, at 30, she says, way too old to be a successful working model. She has no right, she says, to be in such huge demand both here and in Italy, when most models are hanging up their Guccis at the ripe old age of 25. It’s just not natural.

Then again, even if you breathe the rarefied atmosphere on Planet Catwalk, Megan Gale is an exception. You only have to sit next to her and notice how many people stare as they walk by, whispering into their hands about her.

“That’s Megan Gale,” you hear them say, their sotto voce not so sotto at all. “No, it is, I tell you. Go and get her autograph.” Sometimes there aren’t even words, just the soft phuut of a male jaw hitting the sand and soon after the sharp swish of a woman’s elbow on a collision course with her husband’s ribcage.

No, we are not on the Italian Riviera. We’re on the beach at Hayman Island, the idyllic resort location in North Queensland. And there’s barely a single person on the sand who doesn’t know who Megan Gale is or how big a star she is finally becoming in her country of birth.

“I honestly thought that by the time I turned 30 things would be getting quieter,” says Megan. “There was a time when I was 25, when I thought that I could only have a couple more years and that the modelling and the work simply couldn’t last. I thought by 30 that I wouldn’t be riding such a wave any more.

“But here I am and I’m busier than I have ever been, and the doors of opportunity just keep opening and that’s something I am very grateful for.”

That’s the thing about rules – they simply don’t apply to some people. And they are usually unique creatures such as Megan, people to whom nature has been unnaturally kind. To have so many positive attributes wrapped up in such a warm, friendly and undeniably beautiful package unmasks normal human biology as nothing more than a shallow parody.

Discover how the girl who grew up thinking she was very average became an international model, TV host, and now actress – and found love with a model not into the whole “scene”.

Only in the new-size, new-look September 2005 issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

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