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This McLeod’s Daughters star just eloped in a secret New York ceremony!

They pulled it off without anyone realising!
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McLeod’s Daughters alum Michala Banas has married her long-time partner, actor Toby Truslove.

They pair secretly eloped in June, but their happy union went completely under the radar, until now!

“WE ELOPED! Two months ago today while in the excellent city of New York, Toby and I got married,” Michala wrote on Twitter.

“Just the two of us, under a Cherry Blossom tree in Central Park. It was brilliant.”

Accompanying the tweet was a fun “wedding album” of photo booth pics of the pair (see below), which showed them looking blissfully joyous.

READ NEXT: Michala Banas on McLeod’s Daughters: “It was the hardest job I’ve ever done”

Michala and Toby’s wedding album!

(Source: Twitter/Michala Banas)

The pair tied the knot after three-and-a-half years of dating and didn’t publicly announce an engagement.

In June 2018, Toby told The Sydney Morning Herald: “Now I am with my life partner, Michala Banas, and that’s it for us.”

“We first met 15 years ago when I was dating someone else and have been together as a couple for 2½ years.”

“I am certain we will marry. Michala has never said, ‘Let’s get married’, but I have. I am finally at a point in my life where I think maybe Mum was right – that being married with kids is where I’m supposed to end up.”

WATCH NEXT: McLeod’s Daughters greatest moments! Story continues…

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Then added: “Michala is the first woman I’ve been in love with who has been a proper partner in every sense of the word. We can lean on each other and I’ve never leaned on people before because I thought it would put too much strain on the relationship. Michala taught me that trust makes a couple stronger.”

Naaawww, how lovely!

Michala and Toby during their trip to New York!

(Source: Instagram/Michala Banas)

And then the jet setting couple headed to Rome!

(Source: Instagram/Michala Banas)

Michala’s role as Kate Manfredi on the hit Aussie TV show McLeod’s Daughters made her a household name.

And while sadly the rumours of a potential McLeod’s Daughters reunion have been quashed, Michala remains hopeful that the drama might make a return at some point.

“It’s not happening right now, but you never know,” she told TV WEEK.

“I’ve always wondered what it would be like to get back on the horse – literally. It’s awesome that people love the show to the point that they want it back.”

Fingers crossed!

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