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Max Coppa’s numerological guide to celebrity wars

Rihanna is a bright and talented singer with a great future ahead of her. She has no 6, 5 or 4 in her numbers which shows that she has no idea of love just yet. As a life lesson 3 her friends are paramount, and she listens too much to her friends and is easily influenced by them. How she expresses herself gets her in to trouble and this is even more so when you combine it with her temper. I believe Rihanna has pushed Chris to anger (she has double 8s in her numbers) with her jealousy and insecurities. She has not felt love in the home (especially with her father) and she will go back to Chris, however the relationship will fizzle out by early 2010 if not sooner. Rihanna is just not ready yet for a strong relationship and her late twenties look much better for that.

Well what do I say here, allegedly beating up on a girl for any reason is not good, even if he has been pushed. Chris has the potential to be successful in his career (he has a 1-5-9 combination which is linked to an 8 in his grid), however ego, self-centredness and over-indulgence can bring it all undone if he doesn’t watch out. Chris has no 2, 4 or 6 in his numbers which shows that he has no idea about relationships. He needs counselling to help him overcome this (and family looks non-existent). The double 5s in his numbers make him restless and he may have health problems later in life, possibly weight-related problems. The real problem for Chris is that he is entering a 3 cycle this year which highlights legal dealings and court action. He may just rue the day he allegedly hit Rihanna.

Madonna has powerful numbers in her grid. There is no doubt that she is talented, but she is also selfish and what’s hers is hers. The double 8s in her numbers show that she is very sexual and driven and this is why she tires of men after a while and needs a new beau to lighten up her life. She doesn’t like to get older and this is her greatest fear, so young men fill the void. Madonna has money and power, yet she still doesn’t know how to use it wisely. She has no 2s in her birth date so mothering is not one of her areas of expertise. The number 2 also covers partnerships, so look out Guy, you are in for it and I’m afraid your use-by date is up! Madonna’s ego and temper will be hard to deal with here and Guy will need a good lawyer around him. She is in an 8 cycle now so money, power and control are the name of her game.

Guy was never truly in the hunt with Madonna. He is insecure and flighty (he is a day number 10 and a life lesson 7). He is not emotionally strong enough to handle her properly and he lacks the strength in a man that Madonna needs to keep her under control. Sex does wear off after a while and once it went there was nothing left to build on between them. I see Madonna doing this until she’s 80 if she doesn’t get counselling or proper guidance. Guy enters a 3 cycle in September this year, so court action is definitely on the cards. Madonna and Guys combined numbers are a 9 which shows that lies and infidelity were the underlying problem here. I think Madonna needs to look at her new men’s numbers before she signs on the dotted line; US$100 million is a lot of money to pay for bad decisions and poor judgement.

Kate has some deep issues with men and this certainly looks like it started with her father and got progressively worse over the years. A challenging life lesson 4, Kate can be hard on the males in her life and it will take someone of strong character to handle her. We will most likely see the best of Kate when she reaches 40 years of age, a bit like her mum did. The 9s in Kate’s numbers show that she overanalyses and this can work against her. Doubts, insecurity and jealousy get the better of her at times and her numbers show that alcohol and drugs should be avoided at all costs. Even Kate’s dreams can be unsettling. Kate is a good actress, but personal problems plague her and her romances are likely to end in a bun fight. No 6s in her birth date shows that she doesn’t understand her gifts and talents yet.

Chris is a softer and more feeling person, which is shown by the 2s, 6s and 9 in his birth date. He is easily hurt and Kate’s issues wouldn’t help here, in fact Kate would come down too hard on him and he would simply withdraw. This would happen to the point that the relationship just wouldn’t work at all. Kate’s life lesson 4 and Chris’ life lesson 3 is not a good mix and usually means lots of hard work. He is a little old-fashioned in the way that he sees women and perhaps his mother over nurtured him and now he expects that from all women. So you can see this relationship wouldn’t last the distance as there is simply too many differences to blend. My advice is to truly “know thyself” and know what you want otherwise you too can end up like this.

Reece is a fun loving, bright and switched on lady who knows where she is going in life. She is a life lesson 3 which shows that she mixes well, she knows what fun is all about and knows how to flaunt her sex appeal. Her voice and cheekiness wins hearts and she has a great numerology grid that includes a 3-2-1 combination and 3-6-9 combination (see my book Does Your Love Life Add Up? for more information). Reece’s day number 22 shows that her heart rules her head sometimes. Her numbers show that Ryan is simply not in her league. Reece simply outgrew Ryan and once she cuts the tie there is definitely no going back! Reece has just entered a 9 cycle and she is ready to move on with her life.

Ryan is eye candy and very physical, but that’s about it I’m afraid to say. Unfortunately his numbers don’t link very well in his grid. He is a life lesson 4 and has a 1-4-7 combination in his grid which makes him very practical and fixed, which is not always a good mix for a life lesson 3 like Reece. It is simply too restrictive and he is prone to jealousy. Ryan is a serious Virgo and this stops Reece’s creative juices in her tracks. I don’t think Ryan is a bad guy, but he is not her cup of tea for three reasons. He is not passionate enough, isn’t romantic enough and doesn’t communicate very well (no 3s in his numbers). I’m surprised this relationship lasted as long as it did, but in love we always try and give too much, but eventually reality sets in. Ryan will find a more stable relationship next year.

Brad is driven and fixed but he also knows what he wants. He is smart and physical and has the right chemistry to catch a woman’s eye. Brad was always looking for a partner that could meet his expectations. Being a life lesson 4 means he has a strong and physical body to boot; 4’s love their passion and although they make lack finesse and sensitivity, they make up for it in stamina and strength. Brad has a 3-2-1 combination in his grid so he has charisma, people skills and good life skills. Jen lacks this and the sex drive to match him. Angelina has this and as soon as they met, I’m afraid Brad and Jen’s relationship was doomed. Brad has an 8 in his numbers (representing sex, money and drive) and Jen does not. It’s a bit clinical isn’t it but that’s the facts.

Jen is a true Aquarian, but with double 9s and three 1s she dwells on things too much and gets too fixed in her ideas. Jen’s grid shows that she is insecure and this is why her relationships tend to fail. She puts up walls instead of building bridges. Communication in love is difficult for her and she needs a loving and caring partner to bring this out in her. Jen has been hurt in this relationship and some people take longer to heal than others, and this wasn’t helped by all the pressure the media put on Jen. Jen has just entered a 6 cycle which is good for love and we wish her well. There are always winners and losers in love (but really nobody truly wins), but Jen might just have the last laugh yet. Brad will meet his crisis one day and I think it is not too far away either.

Whitney is an interesting character. As a day number 9 and life lesson 9, her head can spin at times. Doubts and fears creep in when she least expects it and are her undoing. Whitney has a strong top line in her grid (3-6-99 combination) and this show that she is bright and gifted, but in love she is not quite so fortunate. Whitney’s numbers show that she had a tough and troubled childhood and home life, and she is in a critical stage in her life right now; she is currently in a 9 cycle. So she needs to get on top of the drugs and alcohol and stabilise her life and future. Judging by her numbers this will be difficult for her and bad relationships don’t help. Whitney enters a positive 1 cycle in 2010, which offers her a new starting point, but whether she rises to it is up to her.

Bobby is the other half of the problem in this relationship. He practises things to excess which is shown by his day number 5 and life lesson 5. He is a restless soul and has hang-ups, jealousy and self-doubts. He puts on a strong front to the public and thinks he can just amble through. Bobby has no 4s in his birth date which shows that he is not grounded enough and doesn’t like hard work. With Whitney’s low self-esteem, Bobby just leads her on a merry dance and is constantly working on her weaknesses. They are both in 9 cycles now so this is definitely the end of the road for them. Apart they might just live longer and happier lives. Their names both add up to a 1 which shows that there is too much action, drive and no reality checks between them. Life can end in the fast lane for them if they don’t watch out.

Liza is a very polished performer, and a 3-6-9 combination in her numerology grid drives this point home. She doesn’t like to be told and needs a man who is a match for her charisma and people skills. When it comes to relationships, she thinks with her heart and not with her head and in the end this talented Piscean is let down. Her issues stem from her mother’s marital exposés and this has haunted her over the years and undermines her. Liza is a life lesson 8 which makes her driven to succeed in life. She can be manipulative but the biggest issue in her relationship with David Gest is that she has a 2, 4 and 6 (partnerships, grounding and love) in her numbers which he does not. Now she has entered an 8 cycle which will be a high point in her and although it is disappointing it is the end of the roach for these two.

David is more interested in his own path and his own ideas. He is a life lesson 7 which can make him quirky, a little flighty at times and living in the shadow of Liza would be a constant problem for him. This relationship had lots of fights and verbal battles, that’s for sure. They are both independent and feisty people and with no 2, 4 or 6 in David’s numbers this relationship was only going to get more difficult with time. David likes the good life (double 5s) and while he could get it with Liza, but the hard facts are that he had to work at it and needed to give and show love. These two again failed to work at the relationship and it ended up being a sideshow. There was simply not enough depth to survive. David is entering a 9 cycle this year which signifies endings.

Paul is a life lesson 4 which makes him down to earth and practical and a relationship should be like that for him. He has a sensitive side which is shown by the 2s and 6s in his numbers. His day number 18 gives him strength and determination and makes him stand out as a leader. He is still crashing through his 7 cycle of upheavals (he entered his 7 cycle in June 2008) and the memories of money loss and divorce are ones that he won’t forget in a hurry. Being a life lesson 4 makes him a pretty tough nut to crack and he is ready to roll with the punches. Fours look for perfection in love and the expectations can be hard to meet. Paul is entering an 8 cycle in June this year so he’ll be making more money, but I’m afraid to say that I don’t think he will ever find a woman as good as Linda!

Heather is a life lesson 1 and this makes her impatient and driven. I don’t think Paul was thinking with his head or heart when he entered a relationship with her. She is self-centred and very high-maintenance. Heather has some deep issues about men and relationships in general. The funny thing is that Paul and Heather’s numerology grids are similar and this is why they were drawn together in the first place. Unfortunately, reality set in all too soon and her unusual ways, habits and mannerisms quickly came to the surface. Heather’s chequered past exposed her more and more and Paul was lost and disappointed. Heather is now in a 6 cycle (love and balance) and she has her eye on someone else already. Companionship is an important part of her life but good luck to the next guy — he’ll need it!

Charlie is a good-time guy, just like the part he plays in his television series Two and a Half Men. He is a life lesson 33 which shows that he is a social butterfly and good times, fun and sex stand out. He is like that little boy who hasn’t yet grown up. The 3-6-9 combination in his numerology grid shows that he is smart and he likes to let people know it. You can’t tell him anything and couple this with a 1-5-9 combination in his grid, makes him a person who doesn’t like to lose. Family issues have led him to present day problems. He is not grounded and lives more in his head than anything. The double 9s show that he overanalyses and this makes him angry. Anger and temper can be his downfall if he doesn’t learn to control it. Charlie is in a 4 cycle right now and it makes him really fixed and hard to deal with.

Denise is a bright and intelligent person, but her life skills are poor. She has no 6, 5 or 4 in the love line of her grid and this makes her naive when it comes to the workings of the heart. The double 7s in Denise’s numbers shows that she is impatient and doesn’t like to be treated like an idiot. Charlie and Denise are opposites in the love game and I see she is not sexy enough for him (it’s in his approach, though) and this is where they break down, and it gets nastier and nastier and then there’s no sex. Their combined relationship number is a 7 which shows upheavals in love and passion. Another battle in the bedroom and it’s a costly one at that. At least Denise has 2s in her numbers (Charlie doesn’t) and this shows that she will look after the children better than him.

What can we say about Alec? My first piece of advice for him would be to keep his mouth shut until he engages his brain! He is a life lesson 3 and a day number 3 so too much hot air comes out of his mouth. He needs to sit and centre himself before he speaks and more so when dealing with Kim. Kim is a firecracker and Alec’s put downs will only work against him. Alec will even try to be his own lawyer or take over from the one he has. (Only in Hollywood!) The thing with celebrities is that they get big heads and inflated egos from working in Tinseltown and they have no grasp on reality. Neither Alec or Kim have a 6 in their numbers so love is optional and they don’t like to lose. Alec is just about to enter a 9 cycle so it will be resolved to some extent this year.

Kim is fiery and being born on a day number 8 coupled with being a life lesson 11, she can handle herself in a scrap. I reckon she released the phone message of Alec and his daughter to the media and this advice came from lawyers and friends. They know Alec has a big mouth and given enough rope — well, you know the rest. This is working for Kim right now and will also help in court. The downside of these bitter battles Is Hollywood will get another bitter and mixed up child in the future. Kim is in a 3 cycle now which is good for courts and legal dealings, so I see her getting the edge on Alec through the year and settling this mess around November, maybe even out of court. If you want to be a lawyer go to Hollywood, the streets are lined with other egos’ gold!

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