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Max Coppa’s guide to celebrity couples

Megan is a life lesson 1 and has lots of ideas and plans and the intelligence to achieve them. She also has natural charm and sex appeal. Megan will be entering an 8 cycle in August this year which is very good for business, prestige, and passion. Andy will need his vitamins and plenty of rest to keep up! Andy is the talker and has the right words to sway Megan, who liked his wit from the get-go. He has a 2-5-8 combination in his grid which shows he has a lot of potential and will make his own way in life. This Gemini has the goods and he is planning his new path now. Andy and Megan are a hot pair and will be having a great Valentines Day. As a match they score an 8.5/10.

William is the warmer partner in this relationship. Kate is cooler and more practical. Her life lesson 3 shows that she likes freedom and fun, but it also makes her restless in relationships so it is important that she has the right partner, and one who listens to her. 2009 will be a tough cycle for them, so they must be prepared to work on their relationship and not let pressure from family or friends affect them. Their romance is a tough journey at the best of times. They need blessings or they could end up like many other royals. But their combined life lesson numbers show that their relationship can succeed if they really work at it. They shouldn’t blindly follow old-fashioned royal ways, but forge their own path. They score a cool 6/10.

There is lots of love in this relationship. Lisa has 6s in her birth date (love, balance and harmony) and she nurtures and cares for Patrick. Her double 5s and double 6s fill his heart and he couldn’t ask for a better partner. Patrick gives her passion, financial security and love. They are both life lesson 7s which means that life will deal them some hard challenges, but their union has overcome blocks on their journey. They both have a 1-5-9 combination in their grids which makes them strive to achieve their goals. The 8s in Patrick’s birth date show that he will face life-and-death challenges, but these two have experienced true love and that really counts. Some people only dream of this — they live it! Patrick and Lisa have so much to be proud of and their relationship is a 9.5/10.

Johnny is born on a day number 9 which makes him moody, intriguing and a bit of a chameleon. Johnny’s 3-6-9 combination is an asset for acting and shows that he is very bright. His life lesson 7 makes him unique and rebellious, which is why he’s good at odd-ball characters. Vanessa has four 2s in her birth date which makes her very feminine and a great nurturer, although she can be needy. As a life lesson 8, Vanessa knows what she wants and sets out to achieve it — money, passion, position and her family are important to her. At first glance, Johnny and Vanessa’s numbers don’t show a lot in common. Most people will not understand their love, but it works for them. They blend their differences well and are still going strong. Their relationship is a quirky 7/10.

They’ve split after almost five years together. Their numbers show that Chelsy’s expectations of Harry were not met. Chelsy knows how to push his buttons and Harry knows how to charm her, but Neither Chelsy or Harry have any 6s in their numbers, so their relationship was probably more physical than romantic. They are both life lesson 1s and have a 1-5-9 combination, making them ambitious — there would’ve been clashes between these two strong characters. Harry is currently in a 7 cycle (change, ideas and insight) which can be disruptive. He has a sense of adventure, but must not take unnecessary risks this year. Chelsy is in a 6 cycle (love, balance and harmony) which she’ll need to tend to. Harry and Chelsy had potential but let it slide. As a match they were a 5/10.

Kylie and hunky new beau are both life lesson 3s, which represents communication, socialising and self expression. Kylie and Andres blend well together and fun is their middle name. They don’t put pressure on each other which makes their relationship easier. They are both free spirits so this works for Kylie where others have failed. They say Geminis are restless and with no 4s in her birthdate, Kylie needs a man who has some backbone and passion. She is bright and needs this in her partner also. Andres has some of these attributes and this makes for a good Valentines Day and possibly year ahead. He is a talker and this suits a Gemini to the ground. Lots of passionate talks on the phone will set the scene for a sizzling February for these two. This match scores a 6/10.

This pair is on-again, off-again, and while they have some things in common, it is unlikely they’ll last. Jen is drawn to John’s quirkiness, wit and intelligence. John is drawn to her independent spirit, mysterious nature and sensitive side. The both have insecurities about relationships, which may draw them together. Jen seems a cool Aquarian, but has a strong need for love and a family of her own. The two 7s and three 1s in John’s birth date make him changeable, and his day number 16 makes him charming and mischievous. Jen enters a 6 cycle (love, balance and harmony) in February, so if John doesn’t make a commitment, it’s likely Jen will move on. John is in a 9 cycle (endings and sorting out his inner self) so may find it hard to make decision this year. This match is a 5/10.

Lleyton has gone through a lot of changes in the last 12 months, with injuries and an addition to the family. He may have contemplated retirement last year because of injury. In February this year, he enters a very positive 1 cycle so we will see the Lleyton Hewitt of old again this year. Bec is the motivator behind Lleyton. She is a true romantic who tunes in to his needs, which won him over in the first place. Their combined numbers show that Valentines Day will be a good one this year — they are likely to spend up big which will be good for the retail sector! Bec and Lleyton’s love knows no bounds and I even hear the pitter-patter of tiny feet again in the future. A happy year is ahead for these two — game, set and match. These two love birds score 8/10.

Mary is the strong and driven member of this relationship, who knows how to get her own way. Her life lesson 8 shows that she is very passionate — money and prestige are high on her agenda. Frederik likes her vitality and cool demeanour, it’s sexy and a little Marlene Dietrich. Mary likes Fred’s romantic approach. He woos her with gifts and words and he sure has the money! He is a life lesson 1 which gives him strength and drive. Life lesson 1s and 8s work well together. Mary is in a 9 cycle this year and this may cool her passion a little, so a cruise to the Caribbean will rekindle things. Mary and Frederik’s love life is constantly under the microscope and while some may rate them highly, this numeric pairing scores a more realistic 6.5/10.

Angelina has a 6-5-4 combination in her grid which is great for love and relationships. She has high expectations and drive in this area of her life, and she gets what she wants. She is a life lesson 5 which gives her purpose and drive. Her strong day number 4 shows that she has a strong physical presence, so Brad will be drawn to her. As a life lesson 4, Brad is drawn to Ange because he likes a challenge. His day number 18 and 3-6-9 combination in his grid fascinates Ange and makes him smart and sexy. Brad has a sense of humour and speaks with purpose. They are great ambassadors for Valentines Day and a very cool and well-matched pair. But too many children could slow the mood! If they make the time for each other, this steamy relationship has longevity. This match scores 8.5/10.

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