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Matilda caught in bitter family feud

The Ledger family is at war after claims Matilda will get nothing from her father’s fortune.

Matilda Ledger is caught in the middle of a bitter feud amid disturbing suggestions that she may not receive a cent of Heath’s $20million fortune.

Father gets all

In a shocking development following Heath’s death, it has been revealed that despite being devoted to his two-year-old daughter, he failed to update his Will, leaving his entire estate to his father Kim and his three sisters.

While Kim released a statement claiming that, “Matilda is our absolute priority and [her mother] Michelle is an integral part of our family. They will be taken care of … “, some family members are concerned that the money has not already been passed directly on to Matilda, Heath’s only child.

The controversy has further distressed many friends and fans of the late star, shattering the widespread assumption that Heath’s fortune would automatically go to his only child and heir, despite his lack of an updated Will.

Adding fuel to the fire, Heath’s uncles have spoken publicly about not trusting Kim when it comes to managing family money, after he was made guardian of their grandfather Sir Frank’s estate in 1993.

“When he was guardian in charge of our grandfather’s estate, it went west,” claimed Haydn, Kim’s brother, in an interview published in Sydney’s Daily Telegraph newspaper. “We had to take him to court to take that off him because a sum of $2million went missing.

“Our battle has been documented through the Supreme Court … the money’s gone. He had reinvested it, or whatever he did with it.

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale March 17, 2008).

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