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Marc Anthony is begging Jennifer to take him back

Marc Anthony is begging Jennifer to take him back

After just three weeks Jennifer Lopez has seemingly moved on from her marriage to Marc Anthony, saying she loved herself enough “to walk away”… but things don’t seem to be that easy for Marc.

Although the Latin singer joked about the couple’s split, a source says he is struggling to come to terms with the fact that his seven-year marriage is over, Us magazine reported.

“His mood shifts from blaming her to begging her to take him back to telling her she is destroying his life,” an unnamed source told the magazine.

“He’s being difficult on every little point. He wants to prolong things so she reconsiders.”

Jennifer on the other hand seems to be in a good place telling Vanity Fair magazine that she feels strong.

“I am positive — determined to move forward with my life, bring up my babies, and do the best job I can as a mother, entertainer, and person. I now look forward to new challenges. I feel strong,” she said.

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