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Magda Szubanski parts ways with Jenny Craig

Less than six months after re-signing to Jenny Craig, Magda Szubanski has parted ways with the weight loss company losing her million dollar contract.

A spokeswoman for Jenny Craig has confirmed that the 53-year-old was no longer an ambassador for the company.

“Jenny Craig and Magda Szubanski can confirm that their working relationship will not be continuing,” the spokeswoman said in a statement to Sydney Confidential.

“Magda will pursue her weight loss journey privately.”

Magda re-joined Jenny Craig in March after she re-gained the weight she lost on the program between 2009 and 2011. Magda says the program initially helped her lose 35 kilograms.

Despite putting on more weight than she lost the first time around, topping the scales at 126kg last year, Magda had her sights set on trimming down with plans to lose 20kg.

The Jenny Craig spokeswoman said she was unable to speak about the confidential contract further and that they did not regret resigning the comedian.

“Absolutely not, Magda is a person that has been a positive ambassador for the brand and she is a much-loved Australian icon,” she said.

Magda’s initial impressive weight loss made her the company’s most successful ambassador, but even then, Magda was unable to reach her goal weight.

Magda puts her most recent weight gain down to an injury and “calorie amnesia”. She rejoined the program in March, following the offer a very lucrative deal.

At the time, she said she was in denial about putting weight back on.

“You know, you’re busy, you’ve got long hours and it just creeps up … your portions get a bit bigger again and you start to forget — ‘calorie amnesia’ as they call it,” she said.

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