Just one week after forgiving Dean Wells for choosing to leave at the first Married At First Sight commitment ceremony, Tracey Jewel let him back into her bed and started to think the future was bright…
Until she found out he’d also been getting down with Davina Rankin behind her back!
We check in with a raging Trace for an update on married life…

Tracey! Do you blame Davina more than Dean?
She really, really pursued him and made a beeline for him. Who does that? She’s venomous! I mean, it does take two to tango, but I think it’s on her. She instigated it and she should never have done that.
She’s been getting a lot of hate online…
I think people have taken it too far but, in saying that, what’s happened has happened. There’s a karma to it, to be honest.
She’s probably done this time and time again and she’s got the guy. But this time she didn’t and she’s just going to have to live with that and take some responsibility.

Who can forget Davina telling Dean, “In the outside world you would be the type of guy I go for 100 per cent!”
Also, hi, girl code!
You get girls like this at that age – she’s young and hot and thinks she can have any guy she wants, and there’s no consequences for her actions. She was 100 per cent playing me all along, which makes it so much worse. It’s so Mean Girls.
What was the atmosphere like after the bomb dropped?
Everyone was shocked at Davina’s behaviour and everyone held on to their husbands a little bit tighter after that. No-one’s allowed to look at Davina and no-one’s allowed to talk to her!