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MAFS’ Tamara Djordjevic should have entered the boxing ring! A new feud with Kate Laidlaw ignites

Our heads are spinning!
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What happens when Married At First Sight stars are crammed into a room together? Drama and chaos.

Several MAFS cast members reunited over the weekend to support co-stars Brent Vitiello, Daniel Holmes and Jackson Lonie, who were competing in a boxing match in Melbourne.

Tamara is furious.

(Image: Instagram)

In a video released by entertainment gossip page The Wash, it was revealed that MAFS’ Tamara Djordjevic told co-star Kate Laidlaw to “f— off to her own table”.

Tamara later commented on Olivia Frazer’s Instagram live, writing: “Kate said she didn’t like us girls… so why would she want to come hang out with us when she originally said she was embarrassed to be associated with us. Don’t talk s–t then expect people to not pull you up on it.”

“So you upset me or my friends and I get angry.”

Kate allegedly wanted attention.

(Image: Instagram)

Tamara stated Kate “was literally hovering over” the table “for clout” according to Olivia.

Yahoo Lifestyle reported that Tamara commented on The Wash’s Instagram post, attempting to clear up the reason for the feud – but it has since been removed.

“I dislike Kate because she openly spoke to media about us when we had invited her out with us, saying we were embarrassing and that she regretted being with us,” Tamara commented.

“So why would she want to come over to our table if she dislikes us… I can’t stand fake s**t and if you want to be that way don’t expect not to get a reaction.”

Tamara’s close friend and fellow bride Jessica Seracino also took to the comments to address the feud and defend her bestie.

Tamara and Jessica are besties!

(Image: Instagram)

“This reel only shows one side, and makes Tamara seem crazy. I am now cool and civil with Kate because after the whole “incident,” we ran into each other and talked it out,” she wrote.

“Tamara and Kate never hashed It out.

Tamara had every reason to be upset because a lot was brought onto her from what transpired from Kate and bec going to the media. It fuelled a fire that could have effected her livelihood and fed into very serious and untrue allegations.

If they apologised then I’m sure Tamara would have been nice and civilised but to hang around her and stand next to her and sit at her table would make anyone irritated. Put yourself in her shoes.”

“None of us want anyone upset I just think If you’ve hurt someone and you plan on hanging around them then apologise and squash it- don’t try and hang around someone you’ve purposely hurt. Hopefully in the future we can all talk and squash our issues and learn from this.”

Brent versus Daniel.

(Image: Instagram)

Kate denied Tamara’s claims while sharing the story on her own Instagram.

“I had no interest in talking to Tamara or being at their table!” she wrote.

“I was just saying hello to Anthony [Cincotta] and his gf. As an adult I was choosing to be civil and pleasant at a public event, clearly she couldn’t do the same.

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“I’ve never been treated so badly. Watching some of the other cast members laugh at her behaviour was truly hurtful. Adult women being mean girls and bullying is not cool, it’s embarrassing.”

Although Domenica Calarco didn’t attend the boxing match, she couldn’t miss her chance to throw a few cyber-jabs of her own. She commented: “Tam Tam keeps acting like she did nothing to Kate and that her actions were warranted.

“Let’s talk about the phone call and the smashed glass in a restaurant.”

Daniel Holmes seemed to be living for the drama too, as he commented “I love our little chaotic cast”.

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